Muncy Machine and Upson-Walton

Dillon Force Control Switches | Cranegard ®

Clamp-on cable overload protection

Dillon CraneGard Image

Clamps on cables for wire rope hoist, elevator and crane overload prevention and slackline detection. Installs in minutes with screwdriver and Allen wrench.

Installation is simplicity itself. Clamp the Dillon Cranegard® directly onto a slack hoist or crane wire rope quickly without severing rope or interrupting service. Up to four switches can be furnished. Switch actuates immediately when pre-set load limit is exceeded.

Dillon will set the switches to trigger at the loads you desire, if specified at time of order.

Item Number Capacity
lb (kg)
Min. Set Point
lb (kg)
Min. Repeatability
lb (kg)
Min. Rope Diameter*
inches (mm)
CGS-1 2,500 (1,250) 100 (50) ±75 (±35) 3/16 - 1/2 (5-13)
CGS-2 5,000 (2,500) 200 (100) ±150 (±75) 3/8 - 7/8 (10-22)
CGS-3 10,000 (5,000) 400 (200) ±300 (±150) 7/26 - 7/8 (11-22)
CGS-4 20,000 (10,000) 800 (400) ±600 (±300) 5/8 - 1-1/4 (16-32)

Item Number Switch Option Min. Width
in (cm)
Min. Height
in (cm)
Min. Length
in (cm)
1B,2B 3.6 (9.2) 5.4 (13.7) 11.5 (29.2)
3B,4B 4.6 (11.8)
1C 5.0 (12.7) 6.0 (15.2)
2C 7.3 (18.4)
CGS-4 1B,2B 4.5(11.4) 7.8 (19.7) 16.0 (40.6)
3B,4B 5.4 (13.7)
1C 5.9 (14.9)
2C 8.0 (20.3)


Specify rope Diameter when ordering. Other rope diameters can be specified on special order.