Welcome to Muncy Industries
Thank you for checking out the Muncy Industries website. We're here to make your job easier. On our site, you'll find all the important details about our swage, spelter, and hardware products, including their dimensions and practical uses. We also keep you updated with press releases, so you're always in the loop about what's happening at our various locations.
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Muncy Machine - Upson Walton - Newco Manufacturing Tradition
Our companies all have outstanding traditions for taking care of our customers in the heavy-lift and wire rope rigging industries. We take our products seriously: Made in USA and quality being the focus of our conversation so that our products speak for themselves. Muncy Machine, Upson-Walton and Newco Manufacturing were founded in 1949, 1871 and 1950, respectively.
Spelter and Swage Socket Wire Rope Terminations
Our companies started in close proximities to wire rope mills. Each company focused on wire rope terminations; swage sockets, spelter sockets, button ferrules, (Molly Hogan) flemish eye sleeves, aluminum turnbacks, etc. As the industry evolved, so too has our product offering to include dynamometers, wedge buttons, sheaves, solid wire rope thimbles, roll-off hooks, and stainless duplex sleeves, to name a few. We also began servicing the synthetic sling industry with our towing and plastic thimbles and our choker triangles. Our goal is to continue to evolve with our customers and the market to provide the best service and products in our industry.

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