Muncy Machine and Upson-Walton

Newco Steel Chokers

Newco Steel  Triangles

The listed Minimum Break Strength represents the strength of Newco steel chokers. Fabrication methods, materials, and techniques can greatly impact the efficiency of assemblies produced with these fittings. To achieve the best efficiencies, particularly with 4-ply fittings, Newco Manufacturing recommends the use of a heavy duty protective material sewn into the eye.

2PLY Dimmensions
Stock No. A B C D E F G Approx.
in LBS.
W.L.L. Min.
NSC-2 6 5-1/2 2-1/8 2 1-1/16 2-1/4 1/2 2 6,600 33,000
NSC-3 7-1/2 7 3-1/8 2 1-3/16 3-3/16 1/2 2.9 8,900 44,500
NSC-4 9-5/16 9-9/16 4-1/8 2-1/2 1-13/16 3-1/2 1/2 6 11,600 58,000
NSC-5 10-9/16 11-5/8 5-1/8 2-3/4 2-1/16 4-7/16 1/2 7 14,000 70,000
NSC-6 12 12-3/4 6-1/8 2-7/8 2-11/16 4-9/16 1/2 9.8 16,800 84,000
NSC-8 14-7/16 16-1/2 8-1/8 5 2-13/16 6-7/16 3/4 24 22,400 112,000
NSC-10 16-1/2 18-3/4 10-1/4 5-1/8 3-1/2 7-5/8 3/4 28 28,000 140,000
NSC-12 19-1/4 22-5/8 12-1/8 5-1/2 4-1/4 9-3/4 3/4 40 32,000 160,000

4PLY Dimmensions
Stock No. A B C D E F G Approx.
in LBS.
W.L.L. Min.
NSC-24 7 5-7/8 2-1/4 2 1-1/8 2-5/16 1/2 3 11,800 59,200
NSC-34 8-3/4 7-7/8 3-1/4 2 1-5/16 3-5/16 3/4 5.5 17,800 88,800
NSC-44 9-5/16 9-13/16 4-1/4 2-3/4 1-11/16 3-3/4 3/4 9.0 25,000 115,200
NSC-54 10-7/8 12 5-1/4 2-7/8 2-3/16 4-1/2 3/4 18.5 28,000 140,000
NSC-64 12-3/8 12-3/4 6-1/4 3 2-5/8 5-1/4 1 19 32,700 163,200
NSC-84 14-9/16 16-5/8 8-1/4 4-3/4 2-3/4 6-1/2 1-1/4 44 46,100 230,400
NSC-104 17-3/8 19-5/8 10-1/4 5-1/4 3-7/8 7-9/16 1-1/2 67 57,600 288,000
NSC-124 19-5/8 23-3/16 12-1/4 5-1/2 4 9-7/8 1-1/2 89 65,300 326,400