Muncy Machine and Upson-Walton

Upson-Walton™ Pin Eye Terminals

Pin Eye Terminal
  • Upson-Walton™ pin eye terminals are drop-forged from
    C-1035 special bar quality self-colored steel.
  • Plating, galvanizing, and stainless steel are available.
  • Call for price breaks.
Stock No. Rope
Dimensions Weight LBS.
A B T After Swage
MIN. Nominal MAX.
PE-4 1/8 0.266 0.563 0.344 1.787 0.240 0.250 0.260 1.51 0.08
PE-6 3/16 0.344 0.750 0.438 2.606 0.303 0.313 0.323 2.23 0.09
PE-8 1/4 0.406 1.188 0.500 3.600 0.428 0.438 0.448 3.01 0.22
PE-10 5/16 0.531 1.250 0.688 4.293 0.553 0.563 0.573 3.67 0.37
PE-12 3/8 0.656 1.500 0.813 5.137 0.615 0.625 0.635 4.39 0.62
PE-14 7/16 0.781 1.813 0.938 6.378 0.740 0.750 0.770 5.47 1.20
PE-16 1/2 0.906 2.031 1.063 6.986 0.855 0.875 0.895 5.97 1.41
PE-18 9/16 0.906 2.031 1.063 7.877 0.855 0.875 0.895 6.86 2.50
PE-20 5/8 1.156 2.625 1.313 8.786 1.105 1.125 1.160 7.47 2.95
PE-24 3/4 1.438 3.093 1.500 10.535 1.355 1.375 1.420 8.99 4.65


Pin Eye Terminals are recommended for use on 6 x 19 or 6 x 37 IPS or XIP, EIP, IWRC regular lay ropes. Before using Pin Eye Terminals with any other type lay, construction, or grade of wire rope, it is recommended that the termination be proof loaded to prove adequacy of the assembly. Pin Eye Terminals are NOT intended to hold the breaking strength of the attached wire rope. Testing is recommended.