Muncy Machine and Upson-Walton

Upson-Walton™ Two-Piece
Carbon Steel Duplex Sleeves

Two-Piece Carbon Steel Duplex Sleeve

  • Zinc-Plated
  • Corrosion Resistant
Stock No. Rope Size Dimensions Shipping Per Carton Weight lbs. Each
A J K After Swage Dia
Min Nominal Max
45025003 1/4 0.47 0.79 0.72 0.490 0.500 0.510 250 0.02
45031303 5/16 0.81 1.06 1.06 0.740 0.750 0.760 100 0.10
45037503 3/8 0.81 1.12 1.06 0.740 0.750 0.760 100 0.08
45043803 7/16 1.02 1.41 1.40 0.985 1.000 1.015 50 0.22
45050003 1/2 1.02 1.44 1.40 0.985 1.000 1.015 50 0.20
45056303 9/16 1.23 1.72 2.05 1.230 1.250 1.270 25 0.48
45062503 5/8 1.28 1.84 2.05 1.230 1.250 1.270 25 0.42


Two-Piece Duplex Sleeves are recommended for use on 6 x 19 or 6 x 37 IPS or XIP, EIP, RRL, FC, or IWRC wire rope. Before using sleeves with other type lay, construction, or grade of wire rope, it is recommended that the termination be proofloaded to prove the adequacy of the assembly.Proper swaging practices are the sling manufacturers responsibility.