Muncy Machine and Upson-Walton

Muncy™ Swaged Steel Threaded Sleeves

Swaged Steel Threaded Sleeve
All Muncy™ Machine and Tool fittings are machined from carbon steel specially selected for swaging. Aluminum and stainless steel available upon request.
Stock No. Rope Size After Swage Thread Length Weight lbs. Each
A B TL Tolerance
Min. Max.
SS-6 3/16 0.365 0.375 1-3/4 1 .063
SS-7 7/32 0.423 0.438 2 1-1/4 + .125

SS-8 1/4 0.485 0.500 2 1-1/4 0.09
SS-10 5/16 0.610 0.625 2-1/2 1-1/2 0.18
SS-12 3/8 0.735 0.750 3 1-3/4 0.31
SS-14 7/16 0.860 0.875 3-1/2 2 0.51
SS-16 1/2 0.885 1.000 4 2-1/4 0.73
SS-18 9/16 1.100 1.125 4-1/2 2-1/2 1.08
SS-20 5/8 1.225 1.250 5 2-3/4 + .188

SS-24 3/4 1.475 1.500 6 3 2.51
SS-28 7/8 1.725 1.750 7 4 3.98
SS-32 1 1.975 2.000 8 5 6.00
SS-36 1-1/8 2.225 2.250 9 6 8.54
SS-40 1-1/4 2.475 2.500 10 7 11.73
SS-44 1-3/8 2.725 2.750 11 8 15.76
SS-48 1-1/2 2.975 3.000 12 9 20.25

* To be threaded after swaging


Threaded Sleeves are recommended for use with 6 x 19 or 6 x 37 IPS or XIP, EIP, or IWRC Wire Rope. Before using a threaded sleeve for any other type lay, construction, or grade of wire rope, it is recommended that the termination be proof-loaded to prove the adequacy of the assembly.